Private Prosecutions Evolution

Introduction Private Prosecutions are currently an important topic, mainly due to a series of English Court cases that have been dubbed “the largest miscarriage of justice in English legal history” (to which I will return). I started to research their origin, thinking it was just another boring detail in history, it turns out they represent […]

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DNA Sequencing and Profiling

Introduction When suspects are interviewed by police or the CPS they may be told that DNA gathered at the scene identifies them. Usually they are asked “why was your DNA found at the crime scene?” They are presented with a near certainty that the “gold standard” evidence will convict them. But how accurate is forensic

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Charlie on the MTA

While reading an important Massachusetts Appeal (COMMONWEALTH vs. DONTE HENLEY) which is available here. I was distracted by, what I thought, was an amusing issue. The case itself is tragic; kids wanting to shoot each other because they are in different “gangs”. I will return to the case proper as it has important privacy issues

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Attorney at Law

I have an interest in American (US) and English Law, particularly the history thereof. One particularly difficult aspect to this is terminology as it is often bound up in the respective histories. Terminology was probably consistent up to the Commonwealth era but then it started to diverge, which is probably to be expected. The problem

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The Committee of Safety

During the American Revolutionary War, the Patriots in Boston formed a Committee of Safety to organize the campaign against the Crown. The Committee was  known to Thomas Gage.  The Boston Committee of Safety is the most notable. To my modern eyes the use of the word Safety leaves me somewhat bemused. Today it is more of an

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